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Trenton Adams
Born in Kentucky
3 years
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Life story
July 22, 2005

Born in on July 22, 2005. Was the most beautiful baby you could ever see, Trenton Ray Adams

November 28, 2008

Trenton was born on July 22nd of 2005, he was the most beautiful baby id ever seen. And I already loved him more than anything in the world. Trent was a very happy child. Full of so much energy! He loved to play outside, and watch spongebob. Trent was a fast learner, he learned to walk at about 10months, then within a short amount of time he was running! And he quickly progressed into the big boy we all know him as. A few months before his passing, he learned to use the potty. We had been trying for so long but he was so scared of it. And i was even more scared of him growing up. But he did it. And we are so proud of him. Trent loved his baby sister. From the day she was born she was his baby! He called her "my baby"! He was such a great big brother he wanted to help change her diaper and make her a bottle. And he didnt want anyone to touch her. He wanted to keep her safe. He even told a dr "dont hurt my baby i'll kick ur butt!" Then in October we finally got that silly pacie out of his mouth. And he was so proud of himself. He said he wanted to give his pacies to the sick babies who needed them. How can u not be proud of that!


Then on November 28th 2008, we woke up to go shopping. We went to wake the kids and Trenton was not breathing & he had no pulse. I tried CPR and he was taken to the ER by ambulance. But they couldnt save him. And still today we dont have answers. They say there isnt any reason for what happened.


Trenton will forever be remembered as that curly headed wild child that loved life and everyone around him.


RIP Trenton Ray Adams "mommys angel"



November 28, 2008
Passed away on November 28, 2008.